Sunday, September 26, 2010

OuT of the WiLdeRnESs!

...and directly into a seriously freak-infested portion of the grid (which some euphemistically refer to as "reno").

Since my last post and subsequent descent into zen-monky-business, a gazillion things have happened. Not being sequentially-minded at the moment, here is a bunch of crap in no particular order:

1) the ocean ate my car keys (and did NOT spit them back up). This, of course, led to a whole expensive and time-consuming series of events involving locksmiths, tow trucks, a park ranger named Tina, a seedy motel, a Honda dealership, a cheeseball, half a Woody Allen movie and a beautiful sunset.

2) aside from the above incident, I spent five days in Big Sur, sleeping in a turnout overlooking the sea (which I soon discovered I was sharing with a dead guy - but really dead and ashy with a plaque and stuff, not all maggoty and decomposing - that would be weird). I woke up every morning to the crashing waves and the sun pushing it's way up through the fog, went down the road and had really good coffee and pastry at Big Sur Bakery. That bakery totally kicks ass and you should go there if you're in the neighborhood.

3) i got married.

4) ha ha - just kidding. That was last trip, silly!
(although, interestingly enough, that accidental nuptial did end up factoring in to my experience at Tassajara... my innards hadn't flinched that much in quite some time)


I'm off to sleep now in my comfy Reno bed at my fabulous Aunt Sweetie's house, and am reasonably sure that no one is going to run by my head ringing a wake-up bell at five in the morning...damn, that sure does suck sometimes!

more later,


  1. The crashing waves and then coffee and pastry in the morning! OMG... I would so love to be there. I know I could probly sleep with a dead guy just about anywhere...but there's nothing like doing that at Big Sur!
    I am thinking of you lately Ms. Marie. If I have a trailer trash food party at my house what am I gonna do without you there?!!
    I am lookin' forward to hearing more of your adventures soon! Esp. the awesome way you write about them!
    Love you...

  2. Lakalaka! I'm 100% sure of your capacity to sleep with a dead guy! :-) Have a ding dong for me - I'm about to catch an overnight train to Chiang Mai (where schmit lives), will post more later! xoxox

  3. So Awesome! You are in Thailand!!!! Woo Hoo!!! I really do gotta go there some time for sure, yesiree... : )
