Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ants In My Pants

Hi Y'all!

This is me. I'm super-fancy in this picture; mostly I go without the mustache and mink. I'm more of a bare feet and cut-offs kinda gal...

In about a month I'm hopping into my car and heading to a Zen monastery near Big Sur. I think I'll drive straight over to Los Angeles then up Highway 1. Highway 1 is obscenely beautiful, at least the parts I've seen so far. I've never been to LA. Everyone in my orbit has told me I'd hate it, which has made me really curious. I gots to see for myself. I plan on playing "spot-the-boob-job" (if I actually dare breech the city limits)...I like to play games I can win!

Once I get there, I'll stay at the monastery staring at a blank wall and chopping a gazillion vegetables until either:

(a) My head explodes; or
(b) The end of September.

This is where I'm going:

After a few weeks of high-end monastic living, I'm gonna meet my friend Penny in San Francisco and we're gonna fly into Bangkok. We're both crazy-excited about it, and having a hard time focusing at work. Thus the antsy pants.

This is where we both work:

These are some of my friends from Habibi's. I've been teaching there for a long time and am really going to miss those little humans, some of whom I've known since they were in utero. This blog is a way for me to keep in touch with the kids, the Habibi's community, my fellow dancers, my old friends, my new friends, and whoever else wants to take a peek. I plan on posting lots of pictures from Asia...assuming I figure out how between now and then (I am a blogging neophyte).



  1. Hey Queen Marie!
    Okay...I see this whole blog as an opportunity to be envious on a daily basis. However, I will still be happy for you and be looking forward to all these cool pictures. I think L.A. could use a dose of the Jingles...and if your head explodes in the monastery, can I have your split personality cat statue? By the way...why does the sign in the monastery say "don't waste time" if it's all about being Zen and in the moment? Also...what are you going to do for a swimming pool during your travels? Okay. I think I covered everything. So, let me be the FIRST to say Happy Trails on this blog! Love you Jean Marie. Lakshmi (do I need to put my name at the end or does the computer know who I am?)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is gonna be a great trip! The monastery looks cool and I know you will have an amazing adventure in Thailand.

  4. A small "how to" video that might help you in your travels to the foreign land.

  5. Hey girl my mom went to tassajara! did you like it? did you wash a lot of dishes??? LOL! kristn
